Welcome to my New Blog all about horse Isle 2

I have just started playing horse Isle 2 and I'm doing everything myself so I will update as I have more information so check back often.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thank you!

People are frequently sending me message saying the love the site and thank you. To all of you you who come here regularly THANK YOU. YOU are the reason I made the site. Thanks to you all for coming here and supporting this we have become on of the biggest Horse Isle 2 help pages out there.

To those of you who are emailing Quest updates, bonus points and mini game pictures I owe you a HUGE thank you. Please know that even if what you sent isn't up yet it will be. I like to test everything before I put it up on the site so that I know it works. Even then people have found a few places where I worded wrong or things changed and I thank them for that because if I don't know it's broken I can't fix it.

To those who have asked me if I'm going to add new quests/bonuses/mini games soon the answer is I am adding things and modifying the site daily. if you see me in Horse Isle I am most likely also tinkering on here at the same time.

Happy Horsing

Monday, August 6, 2012

A couple New Quests

I have been behind with the updates again and I am sorry for that. Sometimes I just want to play horse Isle and not worry about the updates. I was out of town most of last week as well.

Today I got the new quest Fins That Say Neigh in with pictures as well as the long awaited jade horses quest with pictures. I know I have ALLOT more quests to post but with Real life and wanting to play some time myself it's slow going. I am getting to them so please be patient with me.

Happy Horsing

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This week Dryton

If you haven't noticed the trend I've been trying to go through and Island grouping each week. What this means is I'm going through my notebook of finished quests and putting the ones I have finished into the website because I had fallen pitifully behind on doing that as I did the quests. I'm still not 100% in quests yet so I'm sure I'm still missing some. Every little bit helps though.

As the Title Says this week I am working on the Dryton quests and sub islnads and trying to get those all into the website.

Happy Horse Hunting

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

This week's update

There are bunch of new quests up for Angleton. I am slowly going through all of my notes and filling in the holes in the quests. I am hoping to finish up Angleton and it's sub Island's quests very soon.

Happy Horse Hunting

Friday, June 29, 2012

New Stuff!

I know I said I wasn't going to be doing much on the site this week due to the wildfires near my home. I did spend the past couple days at home though and I can only do so much to make the extra people staying with us comfortable before I become annoying.

Therefore I have gotten 2 new crosswords up and a couple new quests on the deadwood islands all posted. There probably will be more to come this weekend if life doesn't get in my way.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Going to be a little scarce

Ok, all My website updates are going to start getting spread out a  little further. I am located in Colorado Springs which if anyone has seen the news on us recently we are having a MAJOR fire here. Fortunately at this time I am fine and have not had to evacuate from my home but this does have me a little preoccupied. So please forgive me I just don't know what I'm going to be able to do the next couple of days.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Finally I have an Esroh's page!

Finally I have all the locations of the Esroh's and the guardian requirements. (except for Zeus I just have his location). I will of course update that page as I get more information for it.

As always there's been allot of updates this week to many for me to keep track of but I'm over 50% done in quests and 85% on minigames so if your doing everything I post you should be close to those at least on the quests.

Happy Horse Hunting

Monday, May 14, 2012

New This Week

First off I want to point your attention to the new Horse Isle 2 Forum over on the left of the website under the Horse Isle 2 help heading. you will likely need a google account to post things there but I would love to see people using it. I have already added a couple posts and will probably add more as I see the need also please feel free to leave me feedback there or let me know what you think the website is missing.

Next I am working on a page for the Esroh's I have all of the locations for them as well as what the guardians need that will hopefully be up sometime later this week.

Finally and as always there's a ton of new quests added in. I also now have all of the Huduko's done and posted.

Happy Horse Hunting

Saturday, April 14, 2012

So Many New Things

As always there's a ton of new things up on the website since I last made a blog post.
Some of the Big things are I've gotten all of the crafting plans updated (except for cooking and I plan on getting that done this weekend). I've gotten New salmon Runs, Bonus's quests and Flower genetics up as well as many updates in other Mini games.

The 2 biggest things I'd like to mention though is I now have an email address specifically for Horse Isle help information if you would like to email me outside of the game the address id skybyegamer@gmail.com. The other thing is I want to get a shout out to WillowLeaf and Socks who help me a lot in the website. WillowLeaf is my Editor and she makes sure everything looks good and my spelling isn't atrocious. Socks is my biggest Quest Helper. There are a ton of quests out there and although I work quickly two people can go faster then 1.

Finally I want to thank everyone who have sent me emails in game with information or just stopped and Said Hi to me while I was out there running around. I love hearing from everyone it makes this all feel worth it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Allot of new stuff this weekend

I've added a bunch of new stuff this weekend. Most of it is from Meadow Island as thats where I'm working for the moment. We have new quests new mini games and even a few new bonuses. I am even working on starting tables of all the items you can find on Horse Isle 2 and where you find them. So keep an eye open for those coming in the near future.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thank you

I do this and I never know if anyone is looking at or enjoying this site. Last night someone took a minute out of their time online to say they liked the site and it made me feel good. So thank you for recognizing me and especially thank you for coming here to see what I'm doing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Back

I'm back in Horse Isle 2 and playing on Lifecycle server. Life had taken me away for awhile but I'm happy to be back and adding information to my Horse Isle 2 help website. I am still in Horse Isle 2 as SkyBye so if you want say hi feel free to look me up.